On the 2nd of July Povod, and their trainer Samar Zughool organied and delivering an interactive and informative training course for our WICP mentors!

The first part of the training was conducted online followed by a testing phase and concluded with a follow-up in-person training in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The aim of our mentorship program is to support the labor and social integration between migrant women and the host countries. Our mentors coming from Hungary, Luxembourg, Sweden, and Slovenia met in Ljubljana to expand their knowledge and discuss their experiences.

The course was interactive and based on the pedagogy of experiential learning and its different learning styles. It focused on enhancing the competencies of mentors in the following modules:

  • entrepreneurship competencies:
  • competencies relevant for self-employment and entrepreneurial initiatives within the creative sector
  • competencies related to gender and intercultural sensitivity learning
  • innovative entrepreneurial platforms

On the first day, they got on board with engaging networking activities, discussed the importance of storytelling and its implementation in the mentor-mentee relationship. The activity combined practice with theory. They explored the elements of story-making while reflecting on their own stories.

Categories: News

1 Comment

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