On 26 June 2022, Povod held a WomIn Creative Power series of workshops in Ljubljana/ Slovenia.

Five members of the WICP team in Slovenia, who identify as migrant women coming from Iran, Iraq, Algeria, and Palestine, designed and delivered interactive and creative workshops as follows:

1. “Painting is for All” by SAFA

“Painting is for all” is what Safa stands for; Safa is a painter from Iraq who provides a space.

2. “You Have it All” by Nahla

You Have it All”! Nahla is from Gaza/Palestine; through her interactive workshop, she will teach how to make sustainability a lifestyle, combat mass consumption through recycling, and create new products from extra materials we have at home.

3.”Craft Your Memory” by Nudjoud

“Craft Your Memory, “Nudjoud is from Algeria. In her Workshop, Nudjoud runs interactive activities where she employs handicrafts as introductory exercises to stimulate memorizing skills.

4.”Find Your Stone” by Behnaz

“Find Your Stone, « Behnaz is from Iran; she offers an interactive workshop where you may visualize your dreams, set your goals, and stimulate your creativity through stone painting.

5. “Staging Makeup” by Sammar

“Staging Makeup, « Sammar is from Iraq, and in her workshop, she shares insights about makeup for theater, daily life, and performers who master their lives as stages of being.

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