Following the previously activities implemented during the WomInCreativePower (WICP) project, the FSL held final multiplier events in Luxembourg on 18th of June and 2nd of July, 2022. The event was designed based on the results of the research as well as on the feedback and experiences of the trainings and mentorship programmes, seeking to transform them in the most suitable platform for migrant and refugee women to show case the products developed during the project and put into use the assimilated entrepreneurial skills.

The participants of the previous activities and other interested migrant and refugee women had an opportunity to establish valuable connections and advertise their abilities, thereby setting the basis for their economic integration into their host societies.

During the event we shared with women the main outcomes of the project and answered their questions. The participants also had an opportunity to discover their creative skills during the Acrylic Pouring and creative desert design workshops as well as to meet with Dr. Mary Faltz , one of the most committed women in Luxembourg , and speak up about their experiences.