Comprehensive Report of the Testing Phase of Tandem Training to Develop Creative, Linguistic, And Socio- Cultural Skills of Migrant and Refugee Women

The “WomInCreativePower” (WICP) project aims to support the full integration of migrant and refugee women into their receiving communities by investing in developing skills related to entrepreneurship and the creative sector. This approach emerges from the perception that self-employment and entrepreneurship represent a promising pathway for migrant women to access Read more…

Smart Start

Within the WomInCreativePower project we are designing a game to inspire and empower people, who have business ideas and dreams. Through the game participants get acquainted with the basic knowledge related to entrepreneurship. While playing, they get hints and tools for developing business ideas. The game encourages the expression of Read more…

Tandem Training in Slovenia

The WomIn Creative Power’s tandem program in Slovenia is ending; they organizers and participants are structuring-destructuring and restructuring its manual guide to promote the concepts of socio-cultural / intercultural competencies from a non-ethnocentric point of view. Soon the multiplier events will take place, where everyone will be invited to learn Read more…

Second transnational project meeting

The second transnational project meeting of the WICP (WomInCreativePower) is taking place on March 1st, hosted by Subjective Values Foundation in Budapest. The meeting gives an opportunity to exchange knowledge, feedback and experiences with partners and discuss the implementation and coordination of specific parts of the project.

Staff Training in Luxembourg

Within the project WomInCreativePower, on the 2-4th of February the FSL hosted a three-day Joint Staff Training in Luxembourg. During the first part of the meeting we discussed the research outcomes done within the first Intellectual Output (IO1), determined the similarities and differences of issues among women engaged in entrepreneurship Read more…