The “WomInCreativePower” (WICP) project aims to support the full integration of migrant and refugee women into their receiving communities by investing in developing skills related to entrepreneurship and the creative sector. This approach emerges from the perception that self-employment and entrepreneurship represent a promising pathway for migrant women to access the labour market. WICP’s primary methodological approach will deploy the notions of inclusivity, diversity, and collaboration in Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI) by encouraging migrant and refugee women to develop their creative (artistic and/or cultural) ideas into work inclusion and self-fulfilment possibilities. Following the mentorship programme (IO2) and the development of both a tandem training guide and a socio-cultural and linguistic guide for each partner country, the Consortium has tested the content and structure of the material in each partner country.
The material also included an introduction to intercultural communication to support communication among the participants and guidelines to support the facilitators in pairing up the participants. The testing phase was done by conducting the tandem training and a
socio-cultural and linguistic orientation with at least five migrant or refugee women and five women from the local community (native women or women who have lived for over three years in the host country). Evaluation methods were selected and implemented by
all partners. The training lasted around one month, during which the participants joined one setup meeting, alongside or separately from the socio-cultural and linguistic orientation, and a final networking and evaluation meeting. The participants had the possibility of working together with their pairs for the entire month on the skills they had
chosen to teach and learn. Each partner was responsible for implementing this training and orientation in their contexts.

English version

Arabic version


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